Gary and Marie have been working with the Yanomamö in Venezuela for the past 37 years. They have played a prominent role in the mission and ministry to the Yanomamö. From Gary’s work on the base with maintenance, community development, and as director of the mission to his instrumental role in translation, men’s discipleship, Bible curriculum development and even medical emergencies, Gary and Marie have been used in a variety of capacities over the years. Marie’s ministries have been as varied as Gary’s. Marie has played a key role in the Yanomamö school and the American school for the missionary children. In this capacity she has not only taught students, but she has taught teachers and developed curriculum as well. In addition to her role in the schools, Marie has also worked in the village as a midwife and medical worker.




Basic Info


Social Media: Gary’s on FacebookClick here

Blog Page: Gary uses his Facebook for general updates.


Fun Facts

Family Hobbies:

Favorite Venezuelan Foods:

Favorite Bible Characters:

Favorite Hymns/Worship Songs:

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  1. Would like to follow you on Facebook

  2. Hi Gary I’m Andrew sealock I am good friends with Tim Dyke I heard your name mentioned in Tim’s Sermon on you tube I’m reaching out to you today to introduce myself it’s nice to meet you Gary

  3. My brother from Anderson, SC has apparently spent time with you and knows you well. He sent me your book, GringoMamö. Love it! We’d like to support your work there in Cosh. Please rush me that info ASAP.

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